Projects :

Deltagen – Direct Unity Plugin

DELTAGEN is a visualization pipeline that optimizes CAD product data for marketing content. It can convert, prepare, optimize, render, and export data to the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform.

DELTAGEN HUB can export 3D data as fbx files to third-party render engines like Maya or 3ds Max. Model data can also be imported directly into Unity.

The 3DEXCITE DELTAGEN DIRECT UNITY® Plugin can be used to prepare VR, AR, or other experiences in game engines.

Year: 2017-2023

About Plugin

DELTAGEN provides a robust and highly-automated visualisation pipeline while optimising CAD product data for all your marketing content needs. Convert, prepare, optimise, render, and export data to the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform, any post-production or content development environment. From game engines and immersive experiences to harnessing the latest in WebGL technology, with this toolset from DELTAGEN, anything is possible.

Key Capabilities:

  • Best in-class photorealistic rendering
  • Premium, high-quality content for all digital channels.
  • Automated Data Preperation.
  • Seamless Connections.

Project Development


Part of the 5 members’ core team responsible for creating Deltagen to Unity model importer and common components used across all the projects. This innovative solution converts CAD model and its variants into AssetBundle and loads them into Runtime tailored for a specific platform or project. As a result, project turnaround times went from months to weeks, significantly boosting productivity in Unity Project development and deployement. Plugin is used company-wide to deliver multiple Web, Mobile, Windows, AR, VR, and Headless-Renderer projects.

  • Supporting the project team with technical difficulties.
  • Creating a technology showcase demo.
  • Editor scripts and tools for Artist
  • Editor Mode execution of the car configurator.
  • Headless unit testing pipeline.
  • Responsible for Deltagen-> Unity->WebGL configurator pipeline
  • Maintaining and updating google protobuff based technology-agnostic communication protocol.

My Role and Responsibilities

Tools and Technology

  • Game Engine: Unity3D 5.1 to Unity 2018
  • Scripting: C#, Javascript
  • Version Control: Bitbucket, Jenkins, Unity Test Runner
  • Project Management: Agile Methodology, Scrum, Jira, Confluence
  • Platform: Windows, Mac, VR, WebGL

  1. 3DEXCITE DELTAGEN Marketing Suite 2018x – Asset Importer for Unity –

Media and References

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