Toyota AR Showroom Mobile App
Projects : Toyota Augmented Reality App is a new exciting way of personalizing your future Toyota. Configure your perfect Toyota and display it in your garage or your table at the Livingroom. Immerse yourself in the interior and compare all finishes from different angles. Year: 2021-2022 *Video is for brand…
DS9 Car 3D – Web Experience
Projects : The DS9 web experience leverages cutting-edge Unity WebGL technology to bring a realistic 3D car configurator directly into your web browser. DS9 web experience was created to showcase the DS9 car before the launch event to customers. It showcases the most interesting features of the car like —iris…
Porsche 3D WebGL Configurator
Projects : The Porsche WebCC leverages cutting-edge Unity WebGL technology to bring a realistic 3D car configurator directly to your web browser. Enjoy all the familiar WebCC features—color changes, interior selections, and more—in a seamlessly interactive experience. Year: 2018-2020 About Project The Porsche WebCC project was a pioneering initiative, utilizing…